Charity Ratings
Oasis has a 27-year track record of using your donations efficiently and effectively.
Charity Navigator gives Oasis a “Four Star Charity” rating—the highest possible—due to our financial transparency and stellar management. Our fiscal oversight includes monthly finance committee meetings, bank statement reconciliation, and an annual financial audit by an outside reviewer.
Guidestar awards Oasis a Gold Seal of Transparency, one of its highest ratings.
Our Efficiency
Our independent audited financial statements show that 85 cents of every dollar spent go directly to programs and services for women and children.
We secure most of our funding through private contributions, including donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. In 2023, 8 percent of the total revenue was from the US government. The remainder of program funding was from individuals, foundations, and corporations—people like you!
In 2023, our total budget was $5.6 million.
Tax Information
Oasis — A Haven for Women and Children is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our tax ID is 22-3491573.
Financial Statements
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